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The journey of a researcher is a long one; every researcher will accumulate an abundance of research qualifications, publications, presentations, awards, and teaching experience over time. As a result, a curriculum vitae (CV for short) is an absolute necessity for job applications and annual performance reviews in the academic, public, or private sectors, as well as just keeping track of publications.

In the academic world, LaTeX is the standard formatting language and for good reason: LaTeX makes formatting easy for maintenance and quick updates. It’s for this very reason that I’ve created a CV entirely in LaTeX. To further tailor this for academics, the CV has integration with the awesome biblatex package to easily update and maintain publications of all kinds.


To work with the source code and tailor this CV for your own needs, you will need the following installed:



Before the actual CV document is rendered, your preamble (in the .tex file) should look similar to the following (don’t mind the comments):

\documentclass[a4paper, 10pt]{article}

%% Loading .sty file

%% Adding space before section headings

%% Entering in name and information
\name{Paul L. Tran}
\info{Office: & \href{}{Department of Economics},\\
  & College of Liberal Arts,\\
  & University of Texas at Austin,\\
  & 2225 Speedway,\\
  & BRB 2.128, C3100,\\
  & Austin, Texas 78712\\
  \textbf{Citizenship}: & \textbf{United States of America}\\
  Cell: & +1 (512) 704-3025\\
  Email: & \href{mailto:[email protected]}{[email protected]}\\
  Website: & \href{}{}

%% Setting up bibliography
  \maps[datatype = bibtex, overwrite]{
      \step[fieldset = month, null]
\ExecuteBibliographyOptions{useprefix = true}

%% Add selected items from .bib files to be shown


After the preamble, your .tex file should look like this (again using my own CV as an example):

    2020 - & \textbf{PhD} & Economics & University of Texas at Austin\\
    2023 & \textbf{MS en Passant} & Economics & University of Texas at Austin\\
    2017 & \textbf{BA} & Mathematics, Mathematical Economics & Pomona College

  \begin{compactitem}\parskip = 0cm
    \item My current interests involve applications of text analysis and natural language processing in macroeconomics, particularly in central bank communication and expectations formation.
    %% Uncomment the following line to display the total value of publications, submissions, and so on that are included in the
    %% calculation of sumpapers (see .sty file for definition).
    % \item I have authored or co-authored \numberstringnum{\getrefnumber{sumpapers}} publications on economic topics. A list of these appear below.

  \begin{compactitem}\parskip = 0cm
    \item Committee: Olivier Coibion (Co-Supervisor), Christoph Boehm (Co-Supervisor), Saroj Bhattarai, and Amy Handlan (Brown University)

  %% Adding working papers, works in progress, and publications .bib files
  %% You can include \printbib outside of the publications environment. They just won't be counted towards sumpapers (see .sty file for
  %% definition)

  \section{Honours and awards}
    2020 - & \textbf{Graduate Teaching Fellowship} & University of Texas at Austin\\
    2017 & \textbf{Distinction in Economics Senior Exercise} & Pomona College\\
    2014 - 2015 & \textbf{Pomona College Scholar} & Pomona College

  \section{Teaching history}\label{sec:teaching_history}
  \begin{compactitem}\parskip = 0cm
    \item Since Fall 2020, student evaluations have given an average rating for my teaching of 4.34 out of 5.
    \item I earned an \href{}{Advanced Teaching Preparation Certificate} in 2023 from the University of Texas at Austin.
  ~\begin{tabular}{p{2.3cm} p{2.4cm} p{2.8cm} p{6.6cm}}
    University of \newline Texas at Austin & Fall 2024, \newline Spring 2025 & Assistant Instructor & \textbf{ECO304L: Introduction to \newline Macroeconomics}\\
    & Spring 2024 & Teaching Assistant \newline (Prof. Mueller) & \textbf{ECO395L: Macro and the Labor Market \newline (MA course)}\\
    & & Teaching Assistant \newline (Prof. Oettinger) & \textbf{ECO395K: Labor Economics (MA course)}\\
    & Fall 2021 - 2023 & Teaching Assistant \newline (Profs. Acchiardo, \newline Geerling, Mateer) & \textbf{ECO304K: Introduction to Microeconomics \newline (Synchronous Massive Online Course for \newline fall)}\\
    & Summer 2022 & Teaching Assistant \newline (Prof. Schneider) & \textbf{ECO325K: Health Economics}\\
    & Fall 2020, \newline Spring 2021 & Teaching Assistant \newline (Profs. Sadler, \newline Acchiardo) & \textbf{ECO304L: Introduction to \newline Macroeconomics}

  \section{Employment history}
  \begin{compactitem}\parskip = 0cm
    \item Please see the {\hypersetup{linkcolor = black}\hyperref[sec:teaching_history]{``Teaching history''}} section for more details about my teaching experience.
    2024 - & \textbf{Assistant Instructor} & University of Texas at Austin\\
    2020 - 2024 & \textbf{Teaching Assistant} & University of Texas at Austin\\
    2018 - 2020 & \textbf{Senior Research Assistant} & Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System\\
    2017 - 2018 & \textbf{Research Assistant} & Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
  ~\begin{tabular}{p{0.7cm} p{7.75cm} p{4.2cm} p{0.95cm}}
    2025 & \textbf{Empirical Macro Economics Policy Center of Texas \newline Dissertation Funding} & University of Texas at Austin & \$1,919\\
    2024 & \textbf{PhD Summer Research Fellowship} & University of Texas at Austin & \$5,000\\
    2023 & \textbf{PhD Summer Research Fellowship} & University of Texas at Austin & \$3,000\\
    2016 & \textbf{Harry G. Steele Scholarship} & Pomona College & \$4,000\\
    2013 & \textbf{Flextronics Texas Scholarship} & Pomona College & \$1,000
  \section{Miscellaneous information}
  \begin{compactitem}\parskip = 0cm
    \item \textbf{Programming:} Matlab, Python, Bash, SAS, \href{}{FAME}, (P)SQL, R, Stata, EViews, \LaTeX
    \item \textbf{Front-end Development:} Vanilla HTML, CSS, JS, Jekyll
    \item \textbf{Applications:} Visual Studio Code, Emacs, Git, Sublime Text, RStudio, Tableau, Microsoft Office
    \item \textbf{Operating Systems:} Unix, Linux, Windows
    \item \textbf{Languages:} English (native), Vietnamese (native)


Feel free to take a look at the .tex file here, the .sty file here, my personal CV as an example, and the GitHub repo for the source code (also found by the buttons at the top of this website).

Closing note

If you want to find out more about me and my research, please visit my personal website. You can also find my research on my Google Scholar profile, my SSRN profile, my GitHub profile, and my ORCID (0009-0000-8559-7915).