Teaching Summary
University: University of Texas at Austin
Semester(s): Fall 2024, Spring 2025
Role: Assistant Instructor
ECO304L: Introduction to Macroeconomics; This course is designed to introduce students to the vocabulary, concepts and models of analysis of macroeconomics. We will discuss the behavior of the aggregate economy, particularly the Gross Domestic Product; Consumption; Savings; Investment,Unemployment; Inflation; the role of the Monetary System and and Policy, the role of Taxes, Government Spending and Fiscal Policy; the National Debt and Government Budget Deficits and Surpluses; Exports, Imports and International Trade.
Mean Student Evaluation Score: 4.7/5
Student Evaluation Reports: [fall2024.pdf]
University: University of Texas at Austin
Semester(s): Spring 2024
Role: Teaching Assistant (Prof. Mueller)
ECO395L: Macro and the Labor Market (MA course); This course focuses on contemporary topics in labor economics from a macroeconomic perspective. It analyzes the determinants of wages, hours and unemployment both from a theoretical and empirical perspective. Topics include labor supply, the determinants of unemployment and vacancies, the flow approach to the labor market, theoretical models with search frictions, wage inequality, wage bargaining and wage rigidity, the relationship between the labor market and inflation, the decline in the labor share, the dynamics of search behavior over the unemployment spell, and unemployment insurance policy.
Mean Student Evaluation Score: 4.2/5
Student Evaluation Reports: [.pdf]
University: University of Texas at Austin
Semester(s): Spring 2024
Role: Teaching Assistant (Prof. Oettinger)
ECO395K: Labor Economics (MA course); This course is a labor economics elective for the Option III M.A. program in economics. It has three main objectives. The first objective is to present some of the major theoretical models for understanding behavior and outcomes in the labor market. The second course objective is to expose you to examples of empirical research in labor economics and to give you practice in making presentations. The third course objective is to give you an (initial?) opportunity to undertake your own empirical analyses using real labor market data.
Mean Student Evaluation Score: 4.0/5
Student Evaluation Reports: [.pdf]
University: University of Texas at Austin
Semester(s): Fall 2021 - Fall 2023
Role: Teaching Assistant (Profs. Acchiardo, Geerling, Mateer)
ECO304K: Introduction to Microeconomics (Synchronous Massive Online Course for fall semesters); Analysis of the economic behavior of individual consumers, firms, and workers. Demand, supply, and market equilibrium. Impact of taxes, externalities, and market power on equilibrium.
Mean Student Evaluation Score: 4.6/5
Student Evaluation Reports:
University: University of Texas at Austin
Semester(s): Summer 2022
Role: Teaching Assistant (Prof. Schneider)
ECO325K: Health Economics; Explores medical care as a commodity, demand for health and medical services, economic behaviour of medical care providers, and the functioning of medical insurance markets. Government regulation and provision of health care and health insurance.
Mean Student Evaluation Score: N/A
Student Evaluation Reports: N/A
University: University of Texas at Austin
Semester(s): Fall 2020, Spring 2021
Role: Teaching Assistant (Profs. Acchiardo, Sadler)
ECO304L: Introduction to Macroeconomics; Analysis of the economy as a whole. Measurement of output, the price level, and employment. Basic theories of the determination of Gross domestic product, investment and growth, and inflation. Introduction to fiscal policy and monetary policy.
Mean Student Evaluation Score: 4.2/5
Student Evaluation Reports: N/A